
XTC HB3 2009

Finally, after 5 weeks of waiting, get my second Giant last week.

全部相片請點這 All my XTC HB3 snapshot could click here :)

First ride to Taipei Tamshui is cool, with some Openmoko colleagues, and trip total about 50 Km. I forget bring the sunglass, a little dizzy during whole trip.

Unfortunately, the bike have few serious _dings_ during first ride. Anyway, I love this bike so far :)


光陽 Racing 的廣告

難得最近看到一個覺得有打動自己某個部分的摩托車廣告, 女主角側面還蠻像 Yanzi 感覺. 不過看了一下她本人無名基本資料 http://www.wretch.cc/mypage/pig2003zoo 比 Yanzi 本人大隻一些 :) 看 blog 的 title: You are reading my shit. 態度十足, 能力就再看看囉

另外歌也還不錯聽, 跟廣告畫面一氣呵成, Sunshine state 的歌果然很有 sunshine 的感覺 http://www.sunshinestate.ca/ 聲音跟編制都很像 Frente 的風格, 蠻適合校 園的青春大學生的 Tune.

A Good CF...
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